By joining, you access a caring concierge service that matches you with other Canadian barter-friendly businesses.
Trust is sacred to swap success, period.
Win-Win business barter is relationship-fed, never transaction-lead. Our members value reciprocity.
Member pre-screening dove-tailed with trade curation saves your precious time. Each exchange is bolstered by one-on-one and all-in-one expert assistance.
We team up exceptional people into strategic, symbiotic and synergistic swaps.
The match-making synergy of high-tech and high-touch unites technology and humanity, creating valuable connections.
Strong accountability and collaborative alignment serves all parties involved. Our Trade Tracker and Barter Agreements keep all parties accountable and honest.
We are tremendously grateful to work with exceptional and big-hearted entrepreneurs.
Introduce us to your business and we will connect with you pronto:
Barter is bigger than most people realize:
Barter accounts for 30% of world’s total business
65% of Fortune 500 companies barter
Barter … is the secret of Switzerland's proverbial economic stability
Countries and corporations barter. Yet, barter is untapped by most entrepreneurs.
According to the Globe and Mail, business barter is one of the “most underutilized tools in the entrepreneur's tool belt”.
Barter works in tandem with cash. Why is barter beneficial?
And, as a bonus, barter helps you manage your business cyclicality.
Watch our founder's "big idea worth spreading," which she presented at TEDx.
Request to join us by sharing your business: